The Alpenglow Blog

Strive to do better

A collection of periodically updated reflections and principles in an attempt to be better and do better.
Ideas that have persisted, made me think deeply about the choices I make, grow consciously and plan to revisit.

Blameless Reviews


When things go wrong finding someone to blame is amongst the most counter productive actions you can take. Rather, a sincere pursuit of root cause analysis and identifying opportunities with candor is the path to pursue.

But let us not misconstrue striving to be blameless with lack of accountability. Sincerely presented opportunities are meaningless if not paired with resolve and accountability.

When things go wrong finding someone to blame is amongst the most counter productive actions you can take. Rather, a sincere pursuit of root cause analysis and identifying opportunities with candor is the path to pursue.

But let us not misconstrue striving to be blameless with lack of accountability. Sincerely presented opportunities are meaningless if not paired with resolve and accountability.

To comprehend is not a concern to be, cause justification ain’t the order of the disorder.

The tree that stands in a storm, A wind that strikes your face.
Every leaf that is stripped of it and in the fall of a branch.
There lies a resistance to every single blow and a disorder for the wanted.

It’s time when sense has a jurisdiction that gets felt.
The wrath seems to be a nagging pain,
and when urgency overrides every reason and culminates in a qualm.

There lies a particular rosiness to this disorder, the sense of disengaging and the idea of destruction.

The peace of mind and the calm of the qualm is a rather violent expression to peace.

It’s when mind feels numb and the single streak of the faintest expression multiplies, segregates and defragments.
The still in this storm is a rockier one, a steadier one, the one that apparently resides and hides in our pangs.

The feeling of being a part of an expression that we visibly connect to elevates our emotions and the being to be rid of these pangs gets stronger in the storm.

A release that finally escapes in the mid of it gives a weird numbness.
An intoxication of a tranquil trance, a sense of control and of all the things in hand.

Apprehensions seem to die and a pandemonium arises.
Things that may have felt so cynical but for the moment the moment beholds ceases and overrides a worldly sense.

Palpable it gets all through even to the slightest to the smallest of fragments of conscience. This expressionism that defies mind soothes within and spreads a calm.

These ideas seem quasi but the storm ain’t, A flaw seems to be the logic but the expression ain’t.

Original artwork
Highlights & excerpts from essay by George Orwell

this developer life_

If you think of it, a picture is a 3D space representation. It spans across time with the idea it captures across the literal distance it maps on to the canvas and well nothing brings this idea to more prominence than this picture above.

But that isn't the only reason I find this so captivating. Those mountains right in the backdrop are something I am fond of, the nooks and crevices etched on that landscape seem more familiar to me than the lines on the back of my hand.

The line thins for a picture like this for someone like me, is it the picture I am looking at or the memory that plays back. If I close my eyes It almost plays back as a motion poster through the dense greens from the far edge on a clear evening after the rain.

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